showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009 20thcentury aimmode alarmers bink bombs brothel capacity-toolslots city city-paris-fr controlconfig cpplanguage damageindicator difficulty disguising drifting driving earth engineerprotagonist europe facefx falldamage firearms france grenades gtalike guerrilla handguns healthregen healthregen-fast hideout historicalfiction holstering indicator-route itempickup-auto itempickup-instant ladders ledges limitedcapacity lua multilingual naturalistic nazis netframework noaa nudity objectiveindicator openworld precisionrifles rebellion rebelprotagonist revenge rockets rural sequence-escape sexindustry speech-french speech-german ssao stealth submachineguns swimming tommygun town trampling tutorial unarmedfighting vaulting walking wallclimbing wallhugging war worldwar2 Inspired by a true story, The Saboteur stars Sean Devlin, a street-tough Irish race car driver trapped behind enemy lines in 1940s Nazi-occupied France. Motivated by personal revenge, Sean fights, climbs, and races through open-world Paris, sneaking into the heart of the Nazi operations and sabotaging their every move. With the help of the French Resistance, the British intelligence, an arsenal of weaponry, street smarts and brawn, players exact revenge on those who aim to destroy Sean's life. From derailing trains and blowing up zeppelins to scaling famous Parisian landmarks and more, this action hero uses a broad range of weapons, explosives and vehicles to get the job done. As Sean takes down enemies, the citizens of Paris are empowered to resist the tyrannical Third Reich and their eyes open to the colorful world around them. This innovative mechanic, called the 'Will to Fight,' change the way Paris is seen and felt - from a dark and oppressed policed state to a bright and inspired world where the citizens fight back. As the player executes acts of sabotage against the occupying force, color returns to the stylized black and white world - both figuratively and literally. The ‘Will to Fight’ spawns an underground resistance that takes players not only through Paris, but across various parts of France. labelimagesubject
Eternal Sonata  Namco Bandai;Atari (tri-Crescendo)2007 1840s 19thcentury city-paris-fr colorful dreams europe france music-theme musicband photographing rating-acb-m rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rating-usk-12 uvl-tiein Official description, character images, and screenshots were generously provided by NAMCO BANDAI Games who request it be stated that:
This website is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by NAMCO BANDAI Games. ETERNAL SONATA & © 2007 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.

On his deathbed, the famous composer, Chopin, drifts between this life and the
next. In his final hours, he experiences a fantastical dream where he encounters
a young girl facing a terrible destiny and the boy who will fight to save her. On
the border between dreams and reality, Chopin discovers the light that shines in
all of us in this enduring tale of good and evil, love and betrayal.
Developed by Tri-Crescendo and featuring the music of Chopin, Eternal Sonata
delivers amazingly detailed 3D graphics, a captivating storyline with over 30
hours of gameplay and an innovative action battle system.


• Custom-Made for Next-Gen: Enjoy amazing, high-definition, anime
style cel-shading and high quality textures shine to truly deliver an
awesome next gen experience.

• Innovative Battle System: Battle using a unique hybrid turn
based/action RPG system that combines free-roam and turn-based
action (up to three players during battle).

• Strategic Use of Light and Darkness: Adjust your battle strategy in
the ongoing struggle between light and darkness. Beware of enemies
lurking in the shadows, as their stats – attacks and potency – will
change, as will their physical form. Lure them out into the light or
destroy them there in the cloak of darkness. Also, change your special
attacks depending on whether you are in the light....or in the dark.

• Dramatic and Evolving Storyline: Experience a deeply moving story
focusing on the enduring struggle between good and evil all while
taking place in a dream during the final 3 hours of world-famous music
composer Frederic Chopin's life.

• Mesmerizing Music: Listen as world-renowned pianist Stanislav
Bunin performs Chopin's original compositions, which are a key
element in the environment and story of Eternal Sonata.


It was a world of dreams...
Late on the night of October 16, 1849, in an apartment at 12 Place Vendome in
the heart of Paris, Frédéric François Chopin, known as the poet of the piano,
dreams his last dream while lying in his sickbed. It is a dream of a beautiful,
magical world, like something from a fairy tale.
In that world, those with incurable illnesses are able to harness the power of
magic. He encounters a young girl facing a terrible destiny and the boy who will
fight to save her. Though he first thought that this world is just a fantasy, an
illusion created by his mind, Chopin realizes that there might be more to this
A world of vivid colors. A world that feels so real.
Can this truly be just a dream?

Wanted: Weapons of Fate  Warner Bros. Interactive (GRIN)2009 1980s 2000s achillesheelfoes aimmode aircraft-location alternatingprotagonist ammomagazines antiheroprotagonist apartmentbuilding assassinprotagonist bossbattles bullettime city city-chicago-il city-paris-fr cover-swap coversystem demo dieselengine difficulty difficulty-ingame distortedhearing earth equipment-predefined europe explosiveobjects factory firearms fofindicator france grenadewarning handguns healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning itemglow itempickup-auto killingblow knives latemodernperiod meatshield meleeweapons mountain movie multilingual newgameplus northamerica officebuilding openal openended past physx precisionrifles present quicktimeevent rage rating-esrb-m secondaryattack secretsociety sequence-turret skipnoninteractive snipers speech-french splatter temple title-animated tower tracers tutorial undefinedelements usa vaulting walking 2009-03-05 Demo released labelimageminimize